31 research outputs found


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    Istraživanje u ovome radu usmjereno je na utvrđivanje mogućnosti prikupljanja povijesnih podataka o troškovima održavanja i uporabe građevina Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Sastavljene su ankete i upitnici kojima su se prikupljali podaci o navedenim troškovima, kao i podaci o karakteristikama građevina i načinima uporabe za definirano vremensko razdoblje. Prikupljeni su podaci statistički obrađeni i prikazani u ovome radu.The research presented in the paper is aimed at determining possibilities for collecting historic data on the maintenance and use of buildings of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. Surveys and questionnaires were prepared and used to collect data about the above mentioned costs, as well as the data on the properties of buildings, and on the way in which they were used for a defined time period. The data collected in this way were statistically analyzed and presented in this paper.Die Forschung in dieser Arbeit ist auf die Feststellung der Möglichkeit der Sammlung historischer Daten über die Instandhaltungs - und Verwendungskosten der Bauten der Josip Juraj Strossmayer - Universität in Osijek fokussiert. Es wurden Umfragen und Fragebögen zusammengestellt, in welchen Angaben über die angeführten Kosten sowie Angaben über die Charakteristiken der Bauten und Verwendungsarten in dem definierten Zeitraum gesammelt wurden. Die gesammelten Angaben wurden statistisch bearbeitet und sind in dieser Arbeit dargestellt


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    Prikazane su dosadašnje znanstvene spoznaje o mjerenju uspjeha projekata Javno privatnog partnerstva i najvažnije karakteristike Privatne financijske inicijative (PFI) s analizom dosadašnjeg mjerenja uspjeha tih projekata. Predložene su najvažnije dimenzije uspjeha PFI-a za naručitelja i njihov opis prema odgovarajućim kriterijima. Prikazan je primjer modeliranja jednog kriterija za primjenu u ocjeni uspjeha PFI projekta i njegova empirijska primjena na dva PFI projekta u RH.Current research aimed at evaluating success of public private partnership projects is presented, and main properties of the private finance initiative (PFI), including analysis of its success rate, are given. The success dimensions of PFI schemes that are most significant to clients are proposed, and these dimensions are described based on relevant criteria. An example of modelling a criterion for assessing success of PFI projects is given, and its empirical use on two PFI projects in the Republic of Croatia is described.Les recherches scientifiques courantes effectues afin d'évaluer le succès des projets de partenariat public-privé sont présentées, et les propriétés principales de l'initiative de financement privé (IFP), avec l'analyse de son succès, sont décrites. Les dimensions de succès des projets IFP qui sont les plus importantes pour les clients sont proposées, et ces dimensions sont décrite selon les critères appropriés. L'exemple de modélisation d'un critère pour évaluation de succès des projets IFP est donné, et son emploi empirique sur deux projets IFP dans la République de Croatie est décrit.Приведены имевшиеся до настоящего времени научные сведения об оценке успешности проектов Публично-частного партнерства и важнейшие характеристики Частной финансовой инициативы (ЧФИ) с анализом оценки успешности этих проектов, применявшейся до настоящего времени. Предложены важнейшие показатели успешности ЧФИ для заказчика и их описание по соответствующим критериям. Приведен пример моделирования одного критерия для применения при оценке успешности проекта по ЧФИ и его эмпирическое применение в двух проектах ЧФИ в Республике Хорватии.Dargstellt sind die bisherigen wissenschaflichen Erkenntnisse über die Messung des Erfolgs der Projekte Öffentlich privater Partnerschaft und die wichtigsten Kennzeichen der Privaten finanziellen Initiative (PFI) mit Analyse bisheriger Messungen des Erfolgs dieser Projekte. Vorgeschlagen sind die wichtigsten Grössen des Erfolgs der PFI für den Auftraggeber und deren Beschreibung nach entsprechenden Kriterien. Dargestellt ist ein Beispiel des Modellierens eines Kriteriums für die Anwendung bei der Bewertung des Erfolgs des PFI Projekts und dessen empirische Anwendung an zwei PFI Projekten in der R. Kroatien


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    Private Finance Initiative (PFI) is a model of Public Private Partnership (PPP) used to deliver public services which are not commercial in nature. Naturally, clients want to achieve successful PFI projects and they need to have a tool for evaluating the achieved success. Generally there are still no accepted frameworks for assessing project success but several recommendations for development of an evaluation template for assessing the success of PFI schemes exist. To enable success assessment there is a need to identify adequate success criteria. In this paper, important PFI project success criterion for lient called "Starting Date of Operation" will be identified. Model for its application on evaluating PFI project success will be recommended and its empirical applicability on suitable PFI projects in Croatia will be demonstrated. Descriptive statistics indicator will be calculated and referent base for success evaluation of PFI projects in Croatia applying "Starting Date of Operation" success criterion will be established.Privatna Financijska inicijativa je ugovorni oblik Javno-privatnog partnerstva koja se koristi za nabavu javnih usluga koje nisu komercijalne naravi. Prirodno, naručitelji žele realizirati što uspješnije PFI projekte te trebaju raspolagati sa alatom za ocjenu ostvarenog uspjeha. Općenito, još uvijek ne postoji prihvaćeni okvir za ocjenu projektnog uspjeha, ali postoje preporuke za razvoj okvira za ocjenu uspjeha PFI projekata. Da bi se omogućila ocjena uspjeha potrebno je identificirati odgovarajuće kriterije. U ovome radu, identificirati će se važni kriteriji uspjeha PFI projekta nazvan "Datum početka uporabe" (DPU). Slijedno će se predložiti model za njegovu primjenu kod ocjene uspjeha PFI projekta i prikazati će se primjenjivost na odgovarajuće PFI projekte u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH). Analizirati će se pokazatelji deskriptivne statistike te će se postaviti referentna osnova za ocjenu uspjeha PFI projekata u RH primjenom DPU kriterija


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    Costs of maintenance and operation are important part of the Life cycle costs. This paper describes development and validation of a new model for predicting average annual costs of maintenance and operations for the University buildings in Osijek with similar building characteristics. The model is developed based on historical cost data records obtained from 13 University buildings in Osijek for time period of 12 years starting from 1998. The model was tested at two new sets of data, in buildings outside of Osijek. The proposed operating and maintenance costs model requires reduced amount of data for predicting annual maintenance and operations costs of University buildings of similar building characteristics and highlights statistically significant data required for costs prediction. The model contains only few elements but yet can predict operating and maintenance costs. The proposed model enables maintenance and operations cost estimates already at the initial design phase.Troškovi održavanja i uporabe su neizostavan dio troškova životnog ciklusa. U radu se opisuje razvoj i validacija novog modela predviđanja prosječnih godišnjih troškova održavanja i uporabe sveučilišnih građevina sličnih karakteristika u Osijeku. Model je razvijen prema stvarnim troškovima održavanja i uporabe 13 građevina Sveučilišta u Osijeku koji su prikupljeni za vremensko razdoblje od 12 godina počevši od 1998. godine. Model je ispitan na dvije građevine slične namjene izvan Osijeka. Primjenom predloženog modela predviđanja troškova održavanja i uporabe uz malu količinu ulaznih podataka moguće je predvidjeti godišnje troškove održavanja i uporabe građevina slične namjene te omogućiti uvid u statistički značajne varijable potrebne za predviđanje spomenutih troškova. Predloženi model omogućuje procjenu troškova održavanja i uporabe već u fazi planiranja projekta


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    This paper examines PPP/PFI project success measuring concept for Public sector Clients. Relevant PPP/PFI project characteristics and generic project success measuring aspects have been recognized. Public sector Client is recognized as important PPP/PFI project stakeholder who has immense interest to measure project’s success. Current research practice of measuring PPP/PFI projects has been scarce with considerable inherited limitations. Proposed hypothesis states that is possible to identify relevant success criteria and structure success dimensions of PPP/PFI projects for Public sector Clients. Interpretation of these dimensions has been presented and recommendations for further research are proposed.Ovaj rad istražuje koncept mjerenja uspjeha JPP/PFI projekata za naručitelje. Prepoznate su relevantne karakteristike JPP/PFI projekata i bitni općeniti aspekti mjerenja uspjeha. Naručitelj je identificran kao važni sudionik JPP/PFI projekata koji ima veliki interes za mjerenje uspjeha projekata. Trenutna istraživačka praksa mjerenja uspjeha JPP/PFI projekata je oskudna s prisutnim velikim ograničenjima. Predložena hipoteza rada navodi da je moguće identificirati relevantne kriterije i dimenzije uspjeha JPP/PFI projekata za naručitelje. Prezentirana je analiza definiranih dimenzija te su navedene preporuke za daljnja istraživanja


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    U radu se obrazlaže potreba javnog sektora za primjenu koncepta Javno-privatnog partnerstva (JPP) i analizira se regulativa Europske Unije (EU) iz tog područja s detaljnijim osvrtom na važnije dokumente. Prikazan je utjecaj zakonodavno/institucionalnog okvira država članica EU za realizaciju projekata Javno-privatnog partnerstva i odgovarajući zakonodavno/institucionalni okvir u RH za to područje. Istaknuti su regulativni problemi provedbe projekata Javno-privatnog partnerstva.The need to adopt the public-private partnership (PPP) concept in public sector is discussed, and the relevant European Union (EU) legislation is analysed, with a focus on significant documents relating to that field. The influence of legislative/institutional frameworks of individual EU member countries on the realization of public-private partnership projects is presented, and the corresponding legislative/institutional framework applied in the Republic of Croatia is analysed. An emphasis is placed on regulatory problems burdening implementation of public-private partnership projects.Le besoin d'adopter le concept de partenariat public-privé (PPP) dans le secteur public est considéré, et la règlementation applicable de l'Union Européenne est analysée, avec le focus sur les documents importants. L'influence des cadres réglementaires/institutionnels des membres individuels de l'UE sur la réalisation des partenariats publics-privés est présentée, et le cadre réglementaire/institutionnel appliqué dans la République de Croatie est analysé. L'accent est mis sur les problèmes réglementaires qui freinent l'implémentation des projets basés sur le partenariat public-privé.Im Artikel begründet man die Notwendigkeit des öffentlichen Sektors für die Anwendung des Konzepts der Öffentlich-privaten Partnerschaft (JPP) und analysiert die Regulative der EU aus diesem Gebiet mit detaillierter Rückschau auf wichtigere Dokmente. Dargestellt ist der Einfluss des rechtsprechlich/institutionalen Rahmens der Mitgliedsländer der EU für die Realisierung des Projekts der Öffentlich-privaten Partnerschaft und der entsprechende rechtsprechlich/institutionale Rahmen in der Republik Kroatien für dieses Gebiet. Hervorgehoben sind die Regulativprobleme der Durchführung der Projekte der Öffentlich-privaten Partnerschaft

    Analiza osjetljivosti ukupnih životnih troškova građevina

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    Life cycle cost analysis of the constructed facilities provides insight into the planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance and disposal costs of the facilities. By applying this method during the early design phase it is possible to reduce maintenance and operating costs, plan future costs of ownership and prevent or reduce the impact of business interruption due to the maintenance and functional usability. The results of the life cycle cost analysis of facilities depend considerably on the period of life cycle cost analysis and the applied discount rate once net present values are populated. This paper presents life cycle costs case study analysis of the public facility for two different analysis periods, one of 30 and another of 50 years. Facility life cycle costs for both analyzed periods have been discounted to net present value using five different discount rate factors. Predicted construction costs are calculated based on Croatian construction standards, and operation and maintenance costs are based on analysis of historical data of similar constructed facilities in Croatia.Postupak proračuna ukupnih životnih troškova građevine daje uvid u troškove planiranja, projektiranja, građenja, uporabe i uklanjanja građevine. Uporabom ove metode u ranoj fazi projektiranja moguće je smanjiti troškove uporabe, planirati buduće troškove te spriječiti ili umanjiti utjecaj prekida poslovanja uslijed potreba održavanja i funkcionalne uporabivosti. Rezultati proračuna ukupnih životnih troškova građevine znatno ovise o duljini vremenskog razdoblja za koje se radi proračun i primijenjenoj diskontnoj stopi pri svođenju troškova na neto sadašnju vrijednost. U ovom radu napravljena je analiza ukupnih životnih troškova jedne javne građevine za vremensko razdoblje od 30 i 50 godina. Ukupni životni troškovi građevine oba vremenska razdoblja svedeni su na neto sadašnju vrijednost uz pomoć pet različitih diskontnih stopa. Predviđeni troškovi izvedbe građevine izračunati su na temelju podatka o etalonskoj cijeni građenja i korisnoj površini zgrade, a troškovi uporabe i održavanja na osnovi analize povijesnih podataka sličnih građevina

    Critical PPP/PFI project success criteria for public sector clients

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    Ovaj rad istražuje koncept mjerenja uspjeha JPP/PFI projekata za naručitelje. Prepoznate su relevantne karakteristike JPP/PFI projekata i bitni općeniti aspekti mjerenja uspjeha. Naručitelj je identificran kao važni sudionik JPP/PFI projekata koji ima veliki interes za mjerenje uspjeha projekata. Trenutna istraživačka praksa mjerenja uspjeha JPP/PFI projekata je oskudna s prisutnim velikim ograničenjima. Predložena hipoteza rada navodi da je moguće identificirati relevantne kriterije i dimenzije uspjeha JPP/PFI projekata za naručitelje. Prezentirana je analiza definiranih dimenzija te su navedene preporuke za daljnja istraživanja.This paper examines PPP/PFI project success measuring concept for Public sector Clients. Relevant PPP/PFI project characteristics and generic project success measuring aspects have been recognized. Public sector Client is recognized as important PPP/PFI project stakeholder who has immense interest to measure project’s success. Current research practice of measuring PPP/PFI projects has been scarce with considerable inherited limitations. Proposed hypothesis states that is possible to identify relevant success criteria and structure success dimensions of PPP/PFI projects for Public sector Clients. Interpretation of these dimensions has been presented and recommendations for further research are proposed

    Legal framework of public-private partnerships

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    U radu se obrazlaže potreba javnog sektora za primjenu koncepta Javno-privatnog partnerstva (JPP) i analizira se regulativa Europske Unije (EU) iz tog područja s detaljnijim osvrtom na važnije dokumente. Prikazan je utjecaj zakonodavno/institucionalnog okvira država članica EU za realizaciju projekata Javno-privatnog partnerstva i odgovarajući zakonodavno/institucionalni okvir u RH za to područje. Istaknuti su regulativni problemi provedbe projekata Javno-privatnog partnerstva.The need to adopt the public-private partnership (PPP) concept in public sector is discussed, and the relevant European Union (EU) legislation is analysed, with a focus on significant documents relating to that field. The influence of legislative/institutional frameworks of individual EU member countries on the realization of public-private partnership projects is presented, and the corresponding legislative/institutional framework applied in the Republic of Croatia is analysed. An emphasis is placed on regulatory problems burdening implementation of public-private partnership projects

    Analysis of buildings operation and maintenance costs

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    Istraživanje u ovome radu usmjereno je na utvrđivanje mogućnosti prikupljanja povijesnih podataka o troškovima održavanja i uporabe građevina Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Sastavljene su ankete i upitnici kojima su se prikupljali podaci o navedenim troškovima, kao i podaci o karakteristikama građevina i načinima uporabe za definirano vremensko razdoblje. Prikupljeni su podaci statistički obrađeni i prikazani u ovome radu.The research presented in the paper is aimed at determining possibilities for collecting historic data on the maintenance and use of buildings of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. Surveys and questionnaires were prepared and used to collect data about the above mentioned costs, as well as the data on the properties of buildings, and on the way in which they were used for a defined time period. The data collected in this way were statistically analyzed and presented in this paper